Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ithaka by Adèle Geras

Author: Adèle Geras
ISBN # 0552547999
Publisher: Corgi
First Published: 2005
405 pages

The Blurb:
While Odysseus is slowly making his way home, overcoming terrible obstacles sent by the gods, his wife Penelope does not know whether he's alive or dead. How long will she be able to withstand the pressure of the numerous suitors who seek her hand (and Ithaka) - and will she remain as faithful as mythology states, or might she fall in love with one of them? The vivid colours of life on the abundant island of Ithaka are evoked with magic and warmth, as Penelope and those around her tell their own incredible stories. Interspersed with wonderful verse retellings of Odysseus' adventures, this is a thrilling novel with a contemporary feel.

It’s not often that you come across such a treasure of a book as this - Ithaka tells the story of the women left behind after the end of the Trojan War, rather than charting the adventures of the men caught up in the action. The changing relationships between the characters play the most important part in the unfolding events and this richly-woven tapestry of a tale is brought to life with great skill. This is easily one of the most appealing books I’ve read all year.

Rating: 8


Blogger Kailana said...

Have you ever read Troy by this author? It's in my to be read pile, might have to keep my eyes open for this one too!

7:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Kell to award a 'best books I've read this year so far' award, means something to a book and its author. I can tell you, this lady is a prolific reader and reviewer!

2:29 pm  
Blogger The Book Fiend said...

Kailana - I'm certainly thinking of getig hold of Troy as I loved the whole "voice" of Adèle Geras - the style had a lovely flow to it.

Shirley - you always send me such good books to read that writing the reviews is a joy!

3:12 pm  

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